How many chance can a candidate avail in PPSC for a Post

PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission is Punjab Government’s Organization for recruitment of candidates for multiple departments. PPSC have limited the chances of try for a specific post upto 3. Mostly people confused in understanding the chances calculations & their remaining chances for a specific post. Here you will get answers of How many chance can a candidate avail in PPSC for a Post, How to calculate chances for PPSC, How many chances are for PPSC PMS, How many chances for each subject of Lecturer for different subjects, How many chances for same post in different departments.

As per PPSC Official website there are very clear instructions about chances but Parho Pakistan is making more easy and explaining with examples.

Point No. 1

For all posts to be filled through written tests, followed by interview or interview alone, the number of chances are restricted to 03, in case the candidate who fails in written tests/interview thrice for a specific post( s).


Now in First point it is clearly mentioned that there are total 3 chances for a specific post. Here the point to understand is that if you failed three time in written test for a post then you have availed.

Point No. 2

Number of chances for Competitive  Examinations will remain 03 and there will be no change for Competitive Examination, including Combined Competitive Examination.


For PMS that is Competitive Examination for Punjab there will be total 3 chances and there will be no more chances either you appear in interview or not.


Point No. 3

There is no limit of chances where recruitment is being made through one paper written test followed by interview or interview alone if a candidate obtains qualifying marks (40% marks) in the written test irrespective of the fact that whether he/she is called for interview or not.


One Paper MCQs based test is single paper with 100 MCQs. If you got 40% marks in Test but could not qualify for Interview still your chance is not availed.

Point No. 4

If he/she obtains qualifying marks (50% marks) in interview irrespective of the fact that whether he/she is recommended or not. (For example: if a candidate qualified the written test with 40% qualifying marks and called for interview, but he/she could not obtain qualifying marks (50%) in interview, his/her chance will be considered as availed.


After 100 MCQs Test you are qualified for Interview and in interview you got 50% marks but could not selected in final list still your chance is not availed but if you got less than 50% marks in Interview then your chance is availed.


Point No. 5

If a candidate who is applicant for more than one subject he/she will be allowed 3 chances in each subject for which he/she is a candidate. For example, for the post of Lecturer in Education Department, a candidate who is applicant for more than one subject will be allowed three chances in each subject for which he/she is a candidate.


I will explain this with an example. Mr. Ali have two master degrees i.e MA English & Msc Mathematics. Now He applied for Lecturer BPS-17 for English Subject & Lecturer BPS-17 for Mathematics. Now he have 3 chances for English & 3 Chances for Mathematics. That means that for each subject he have separate chances.

Point No. 6

For Same Posts name but different departments you have separate 3 chances for each post.


There is a post Assistant Director  in Punjab Revenue Department & there is same post of Assistant Director in Punjab Police then you have 3 chances for Assistant Director in Punjab Revenue Department & Separate 3 chances for Assistant Director in Punjab Police.

Summary & Frequently  Asked Questions for PPSC No. of Chances

How many chance can a candidate  avail in PPSC for a Post?

There are 3 chances.

If someone got 40% marks in test but  could not qualify for interview ?

If someone got 40% marks in test but could not qualify for interview then his chance is not availed.

If someone got 40% marks in test and  qualify for interview ?

He/She have to get 50% marks in Interview to safe his chances.

If someone got less than 50% mark s interview?

Chance will be availed.

If someone got more than 50% marks interview but not selected in final list?

Chance is not availed

If someone want to apply in Lecturer English & Lecturer Mathematics then how many chances he/she can avail?

He/she can avail 3 + 3 chances for each subject.

Still Confused?

If you are still confused about the PPSC Chances Query and could not understand about no. of chances availed by you then Contact Parho Pakistan for free advice & consultancy.


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